Friday, March 14, 2014

Day 1 & 2 of the 45 Day Challenge!

 Yesterday I wrote about how I had 45 Days to get in shape for my Engagement Pictures...

I stuck to it on Day one and I was really pleased with myself. I'm starting to think I will actually be able to pull this off!

This was my picture yesterday, and I weighed in at 154 lbs
Yeah... I have been putting off this picture for a LONGGG time!! The last thing I wanted was to take picture proof that I wasn't at the weight I had worked so hard to be at... but here it is!

These past 2 months I have been drinking soda DAILY, eating lots of processed foods and sugar..and all the while over eating daily. It has been BAD. 

I felt like I was out of control..that I couldn't change again. 

But Yesterday I proved to myself that it was possible! I COULD get back to where I needed to be!

Today I weighed in at 152! Yes - I know the 2 lb loss was just bloating and water weight coming off from the clean eating but it felt GREAT to know that even one day makes a difference!

 To celebrate the 1 day of progress, I made this delicious salad. 

Here's to change, progress and 44 more days!



  1. Good job! Way to get back in the groove of things. It's hard to stay on track all the time. Keep it up!


  2. One day really does make a huge difference! And it's when all those one days add up that you'll truly see just how important each day is in the grand scheme of things. I think it's easier for me to just focus on the day at hand: I plan out what I will eat for the day and my workout for the evening. Then I try to look forward to the workout and how good I will feel when I get done. And then I make sure my post workout meal is something yummy and healthy to get me through the workout. Then, when it's all said and done and I'm laying in bed that night, I feel amazing.
    Don't get me wrong though, I still have those days where when it's all over that I didn't make it to the gym or I just "HAD" to stop for fast food and I feel like crap, but normally that motivates me more in the gym the next day.

    Keep up the good work, lady! I know you can do it!
    Can't wait to hear how the rest of your challenge has been going =)

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  4. Hey Dani, how is your workouts before engagement shoot going? Keep it up girl!

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