Sunday, March 31, 2013

30 Day Challenge: Going STRONG!!!

I am almost HALF WAY DONE with my challenge!!! Can you believe it!??

I feel GREAT so far, my body feels so healthy & light!

Not only that, but I've become allot more conscious about what I'm eating and aware of how much excess I was taking in before!!

Here is a Pic of me at 138 lbs! I haven't posted a pic in a while but I see a BIG change in my body and even the shape of my face!!

Yes this is an extremely ghetto mirror pic of me standing on my shower to get a picture in the mirror....


I hope everyone had a happy Easter!! I made some GREAT choices today! I wish I would have taken pictures!!!

Some examples: 

1. I knew my family was preparing a fruit salad with marshmallows in it, so I prepped a separate/healthier fruit salad!!

2. My family also had a green bean casserole, and I brought my own dish of fresh, steamed green beans!!

3. I butchered the honey baked ham my family served, to get pieces that weren't touched by the sugary glaze!!!

I hope everyone had a fun, happy and healthy Easter!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

WOD & Photo Diet!

On the first workout - I didn't push myself as hard as I could of. Something about running...

On the second workout I finished in 2.31 minutes. Not terrible and not that great! It is also VERY difficult to  do Toes to Bar after doing weighted sit ups!


I have been LOVING these easy workouts my gym has been doing while the Open has been going on!

For those of you who don't crossfit, the open is how CrossFit begins to pick its participants of the crossfit games!

Every Wednesday for five weeks, CrossFit will post the workout for all open competitors to complete on Wednesdays, and Athletes will have until Sunday, 5 p.m. PT of each week to perform the workout and submit their scores!!!!

So while this is going on, our CrossFit gyms have been taking it NICE and EASY on us - so that all the open competitors will be ready to rock the open wods!


 Breakfast: 3 eggs & a sliced avacado

Lunch: Assorted fruit & Almonds

Dinner: Eggs, Sauteed veggies & Bacon!

I had a pretty solid eating day - I was STARVING by dinner though!

Note to self: fruit and nuts is NOT enough for lunch!!!!

Also, I felt really great in my clothes today!

Do you think it's just a mind thing, or maybe two pounds really did make a difference???

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I'M BACK! Paleo Challenge Update

Where have I been??!!

Well when technology hates you, this happens:

Tried turning on my computer everyday only to see this screen... good thing I had my DAD come help me tonight. 

It's a sad day when you can't fix your own computer!!!



I'm SO HAPPY this Paleo Cleanse is going well!

It has been exactly 1 week & a day, I've lost two pounds and I feel great!!!

Starting Weight: 157 lbs
Current Weight: 138 lbs
Total Lost: 19 lbs

This is a big accomplishment for me! It has taken me over 8 Months to get here!

Here are some pictures of the food I have eaten the past couple days while my computer was down:

I have been able to stay pretty strict to Paleo, besides a few times I had to eat out!!!

Also, it turns out that when you are eating paleo, making salad dressing out of hummus and salsa is amazing tasting. 

I will post pictures of how I am doing so far this week!

Also I am planning a cali trip in June and I am HOPING to weigh in the 120's by then!!!!! 

That is my new goal!

Here's to being MOTIVATED to reach our goals and look better than ever!


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Paleo Challenge Day 2 & WOD!

Today I woke up excited and happy to start day 2 of my Paleo Challenge!

So I made a delicious Breakfast:
 Scrambled eggs w/ tomatoes & a glass of water

Then Went to WORKOUT!!!! (Finally, right?!) It's been awhile!

I finished in 14 minutes and 38 seconds... I told yah it's been awhile!!!

Then Boyfriend made me this delicious lunch to pack to work:

Then I was busy alllll Night after work and was only able to eat almonds and mixed fruit for dinner!!!

Other than the great food and awesome workout, I had a pretty weird day emotionally wise!

I applied to get into my undergrad education program for this fall 2013, and apparently there was some sort of mix up with the application?!!

All day I have been pretty shaken up... and overall questioning my choice in majoring in education and what I should do with my future!!!

Hoping sleep tonight will bring me peace of mind!

Monday, March 18, 2013

First Day of the Paleo Challenge!

My first day of the Paleo Challenge went AWESOME!!!!!!!!

Breakfast: Blackberries & Banana!!!

 Lunch: Watermelon & Chicken

Snack: Chicken, Blueberries & Carrots

Dinner: BACON & Eggs!!!

Overall, I did pretty well. 

I probably ate WAY too much fruit though, and NOT enough Veggies!

Other than that, I had High energy levels and my stomach was not bloated or icky feeling!

I weighed in today at 140 lbs, so I'm still on my plateau!

Hopefully by the end of the week of strict Paleo eating, we will see a change in my weight!

ALSO - I was not able to attend a workout today :(

Luckily, I WILL be going to the gym tomorrow at Noon!!!

Hope ya'll had a great day!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Wedding: FINALLY Over!

For those of you who follow me regularly, you know I've been helping out and preparing for my 

Boyfriends, Brothers WEDDING!!!

I have spent ALLOT of time with my boyfriends brother and his fiance, and I am SO happy for them and LOVE them dearly. 

Here are a few pics my boyfriend snapped on his phone at the wedding:

 Sending them off with paper/floating lanterns!

 Their Ceremony Coming out of the Temple!

 Me playing with Boyfriend's Nephew while we took pictures

 Hanging out during pictures! 

The Couples first dance!

It was so wonderful to see how happy and in love they were during their wedding!

It's funny how weddings make you realize how much you love your significant other!

I LOVE my Jefffrey. 


He's so crazy and fun and I had a blast with him at the wedding last night!
I couldn't ask for a more supportive and loving guy :)


Now that all the wedding stuff is OVER, I can focus on fitness, food and health!!!!

I'm in the process of preparing for my 30 Day Paleo Challenge!!!

I will start this Monday, March 18th - Tuesday April 16th!!!!


This weekend I will prepare, prepare, prepare!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

30 Day Paleo Challenge Coming Up! WHY, WHAT & HOW!

I am planning a 30 day paleo challenge coming up soon!

I still have to plan out the EXACT days.

I know it will be some time after the wedding this weekend :)

I am planning on posting every night about the challenge.

What will the challenge do?

1. Break Sugar Addictions.
- When you ingest sugars (especially in a concentrated form such as starchy carbs and processed sugars) they create activity in part of your brain that is associated with the pleasure response. I have been struggling ALLOT lately with my sugar addiction. The 30 Day Challenge will Break This!

2. Lose Weight
-I've been stuck at a palteua of 140 lbs. I'm hoping the Paleo Challenge will help me break that!

3. Perform Better - At the Gym & LIFE!
-Better fuel means better resources for your body to draw from when working out, plus eating right means giving your body what it needs!! If I eat better, I will do WAY better at CrossFit, be more alert at my job, overall be HAPPIER. 

What Will I do to Prepare?

  • The internet had PLENTY of resources that will help me get into my Paleo Challenge!
Here are a one website I will use:


  • I have the Book "Practical Paleo"

This GEM will give me recipes and ideas for the 30 day plan!

There are even WEEKLY MEAL PLANS already planned for me inside of it!!

-The Key to success for me will be the PLANNING! I MUST have food on hand at all TIMES...
This means weekly meal planning/preparation is a MUST!

  • NO Eating Out
-This will be the HARDEST part of the challenge for me. I eat out at LEAST 3 times a week.

What do you think??

My boyfriend and I are getting VERY excited about it :)
